Who are we?

Our Story

Country Feed was created by the Brauman and Cremer Families, with one goal, to support the local and growing community. Our mission started from humble beginnings, from one small store, and a dream. We were a ranching family, who needed a reliable source of feed in our community. With a diverse ag background we were excited to take on the Challenge of an animal supply store. Since then we have expanded our operation to include a Boutique, Animal Supplies, Purina feeds, ADM Feeds, and now an onsight beef shop, ran by our very own cattle operation!

Visit Our Beef Shop

WHo are we?

Meet the Brauman's

The Brauman's have been life long members of the Putnam County area. Christy and Scott Brauman and their children, Clayton Brauman and Callie Day, have spent their lives in the agriculture industry. Their passions for the agriculture community has encouraged them to seek further education in the sector, completing studies in agriculture at many universities including the University of Florida, Oklahoma State University, and Kansas State University.

Who are we?

Meet the Cremer's

Ernie and Sandra Cremer have been life long citizens to Putnam County. They are the roots of the family companies, and still tke an active role in management. Ernie's Background is in the logging Industry, where his family has thrived for generations. Beef cattle has always been a passion of his, and his goal to creat a cattle operation was successful with his family. Sandra Cremer worked years to keep the books and orgnanize the behind the scenes aspect of the companies, but has since retired!